Many of you in the state of Ohio sat through the presentation by the Ohio Department of Education who showed us lots of data on how gifted programming is not equitable. We over-identify white and Asian students, and under-identify Black and Latinx students. Even if you do not have large populations of these students in your district, at the very least, the gifted population should be a reflection of your normal school population. In other words, if your student population is 12% minority, your gifted programming should be comprised of 12% minority students. This is often times not the case though which leads to inequity in gifted education.
This is not an Ohio problem, it is a national one. I think we all agree that it is not equitable, but what can we do about it? What can we do when many of the constraints preventing a student from being properly identified are out of our control such as economic disadvantages, parents who may not highly value an education or know how to encourage it, or not a lot of exposure to the language?
As a state, we already do a lot of the things that books on the subject matter are suggesting to level the playing field such as whole grade screening (there are still many states that test on referral only) and the accountability of our gifted report card that forces districts to look at the subgroups of minority and economically disadvantaged in order to score well on the gifted input. And yet the data shows that while there might be slight improvements, we are not moving the proverbial needle. On the flipside, as a state, we cannot do some things others are doing such as local norms where you take the top 5% of a building or district to determine identification in that district, not using a nationally normed percentage.
I know in my district I have tried some things such as whole grade screening multiple times in a grade band in order to cast a larger net, offering the Naglieri so that the vocabulary or lack thereof it does not trip a student up from showing his true abilities, and having conversations with teachers on what to look for from a gifted student. There are still many teachers who think gifted students are the ones that turn in their work on time, are hard workers, care about grades, and volunteer in class to answer questions. In other words, they are the compliant ones. We all know that there are many gifted students who are not the most compliant students and so dispelling this myth is important (especially when I am working to identify creative thinkers). And while I have seen the number of minority students who are in programming go up over the years, it is still not commensurate with the typical school population.
The problem is not the gifted programming though. It is the door we use that students must get the pass key for in order to get access to that programming. We use nationally vetted assessments where students must score in the top 5% of the normed number established by the testing company. In my district, we use these numbers not only to identify gifted students, but to determine their placement in our slate of gifted programming that we have available. The only way the student is getting service is if he meets the requirements. This is where the Catch 22 comes into play. If the student cannot get into the top 5%, they are not considered for service. But we have already established that these nationally normed tests have a bias to them that over-identify one group and under-identify the other. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and yet expecting a different result. If we keep testing students and offering services the way we are, nothing is going to change.
That is why we need to reconsider the way we do identification. After all, we are in the game of working with students to think outside of the box. Why should we not expect this of ourselves? We need another layer to the identification of gifted students. We need to identify and develop talent we have at our schools so that those who just need that extra encouragement, those who will respond to the challenge, those who are being left out but if they were exposed to such programming, would thrive and grow, get such an opportunity.
Just as there are RTI students on the cusp of qualifying for special educational services that we focus on and work hard to prevent this from happening, there are students just near the cut-off mark for gifted that we could provide with resources and teaching strategies designed to tap into this potential they have shown. We do the exact opposite of RTI and work with them to get them in.
What does this look like? I know this situation would not work for everyone but my district is one with seven elementary schools, where there are have and have-not buildings. What I would like to do in my district is to create identification at our elementary buildings with the lowest numbers of gifted students, which surprise surprise, happens to be our title I schools, where we look at students who nearly qualified and put them in with a GIS. This GIS then uses strategies and rigor that she would use with her gifted identified students, and we see how these students respond to the challenge. My suspicions are that many of these students will rise up to this specialized instruction and the next time they are tested, will get the necessary score for identification and thus qualify for programming that is available at our middle and junior high schools.
This is a win win for us because the GIS at those have-not buildings only has 2 to 3 students, while the GIS at our more affluent buildings have upwards of 15 students per class. If we identify an additional 10 students who are near the cut off but not quite there and put them in these classrooms, the teacher is working with more students, and more students are receiving challenge.
However you decide to do it, consider the prospect of talent development. How do we identify those students that with just a little push, would excel? We know that talent is distributed evenly but resources are not. What if we just distribute these resources a little more evenly. Wouldn’t this then lead to more equity in gifted education?