Enrichment with the Gifted Guy are videos that can be used with students to challenge them and to enrich their learning. These are not so much based on content as they are on skills designed to made students better thinkers.
Self-Reflection - if you are going to learn from your successes and your mistakes it is important to reflect upon your previous actions and results.
Appropriate use of humor - humor can be a powerful way to engage and connect to people. But it can also divide people if it is offensive. How do you know if your humor is offensive or is crossing the line?
Taking the Abstract and Making It Concrete - ideas can be very abstract. Love, freedom, time, thinking. All of these are ideas that we cannot necessary touch or see. And yet when we want to express these ideas, we have to come up with concrete ways to do so.
Are your visuals communicating what you want them to? - a picture is worth a 1000 words so they say. But is it communicating the 1000 words you want it to?
21st Century Skills
Taking notes - this is an important skill if you want to learn how to remember information. The average person remembers about 10% of what they hear so how do you remember the rest?
Details Matter - your teacher has probably said a thousand times to you, give me more detail, show your work, or explain more clearly. Details are the little things that paint the entire picture. If we focus only on the answer or the big picture, we are not seeing the entire story.
What makes a good citizen? - when someone says to be a good citizen, what exactly does that mean? This video will explore what it means to be a good citizen using the book "What can a citizen do?".
Answering an Essay Question - writing an essay question is one thing, writing an essay that clearly answers the question and provides enough supporting detail is another.
What Does Valid Research Look Like? - the good news is that there is a lot of information out there on the internet. The bad news is that there is a lot of information out there on the internet. The question becomes, what is good information and what is not so good?
December Holidays - we often associate the month of December with Christmas. However, there are other holidays that are celebrated in that month depending on your culture and/or religion.
How to play board games/puzzles
Learning to Play Solitaire - Want to play a game but there isn't anyone else around to play with? The good news is that you can still play solitaire, a card game that only requires one person.
How to Play Wordle - Wordle is a word game in which there are five blank boxes. You must figure out the letters that make-up this five letter word.
Codenames - is a game where there are players on opposite sides of a 5x5 field of cards with single word terms on them. One player has the indicator card which lets them know which cards are theirs, either blue or red.
Logic Grid Puzzles - these are grid puzzles where you are given a number of clues that help you either to determine an answer or eliminate others. The difficulty of the puzzles can be raised by adding more grids, having less clues, or having clues that do not share much information.
“How to” Videos
How to Get Started in Minecraft - With a guest teacher for this episode, my daughter, a Minecraft expert, takes folks through the basics of how to get tools, how to mine for materials, and how to make a simple house.
Creating Your Own Schoolhouse Rock - Schoolhouse Rock were catchy songs that appeared during breaks between Saturday morning cartoons during the 1970s and 80s.
Books/Read Alouds
Read-Along for Younger Students