This article appeared originally in the Fall 2018 issue of OAGC Review.
Why are there so many women in gifted education? Case in point, I am the only male who serves on the Coordinator Division. Same goes for the HQPD committee I am a part of for OAGC. At our Gifted Coordinators of Central Ohio meetings, the ratio is 1 male for every 7 females. This being vastly outnumbered does not bother me in the slightest. I live in a household with a wife and two daughters. I am used to being the odd man out (pardon the pun).
If you do not believe me, next time you go to a gifted conference, when there is a lull in the keynote play the game I always do of looking around the room to try to spot how many men are in the crowd. It is like a Where’s Waldo because there are usually few to be found. When I attended the National Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida, they had turned most of the restrooms in the conference center into women’s restrooms, striking out the pair of pant legs and adding the skirt. The lone male restroom was at the other side of the center. A first I was miffed at being inconvenienced but soon saw that after using the restroom and returning to the conference hall, there were women still waiting in their lines.
It still begs the question of why are most folks involved in gifted education female? There are a couple of possible explanations for this. One would be that most services in gifted occur in the younger grades of elementary and middle schools. On average, there are far more women teaching at these levels than men, with junior highs and high schools typically having a majority of men. Since there are not as many gifted services at the higher levels other than Advanced Placement Courses and College Credit Plus, there are not any gifted intervention specialists in those buildings typically.
A second reason would be that women are usually better at naturally going to higher level questioning. My reasoning for this is that whenever I am telling my wife something, her first response to me is always “why” or “how”. And yet when she tells me something, I just accept it at face value. I see this in my students as well. Girls are just better at questioning things. This works well with gifted students who need to be asked these higher level questions to push their learning to a deeper level.
A third reason would be because women are generally a more patient lot than men which is better for working with gifted children. One might wonder, why would you have to be particularly patient with gifted students? Doesn’t everything come quickly to them? The answer is yes, but what also comes quickly to them is any inquisitive thought that pops into their head which they are usually keen on sharing. This lack of impulse control can try the patience of many a teacher, but there is usually a nugget of wisdom contained in the comment that only a patient person would be willing to explore for its full value.
For the longest time, I thought the reason why there were not more men in gifted education is because we cannot say Woodcock-Johnson without giggling. I believe though the reason there are so many women in gifted education is because in order to meet the needs of the whole gifted child, you have to address their academic as well as social/emotional needs. Male teachers/coordinators often times focus just on the academic aspect and address the social/emotional only when it rears its ugly head. I know because this was the approach I took for several years. Women on the other hand are very astute at seeing the social/emotional need before it becomes an issue and head any potential problems off at the pass.
Of course there are exceptions to this rule. Some male coordinators/teachers are excellent at sniffing out the social/emotional needs while some female counterparts do not address it. However, having worked with both women and men in gifted education for several years, it just seems to come more naturally to women.