Welcome to the Gifted Guy website, my name is Todd Stanley. On this site you will find a collection of strategies, ideas, and lessons that I have created and accumulated in my nearly 30 years in education designed to challenge gifted students. Among these you will find my blogs, my YouTube channels that include Todd Talks for teachers and Enrichment with the Gifted Guy for students, professional development topics, and finally resources for educators to use in their own classrooms.

Scan the QR code to get my virtual business card with all of my contact information.

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I served as a classroom teacher for 18 years, teaching mostly gifted students, using nearly all service models from pull-out, push-in, magnet, and cluster. I taught all grade levels as well, starting in middle school, then spending a few years in high school, then elementary, and back to middle school. I moved to the district coordinator of gifted so that I could advocate for 1000s of students rather than just the 100 or so in my classroom. I am currently the Gifted Services Coordinator for Pickerington Local School District and an adjunct professor at the University of Cincinnati teaching gifted education. I also teach international students on-line through the DDC Program.

I am also the author of many teacher-education books which reflect the practices I used in the classroom including A Teacher’s Toolbox for Gifted Education, Project-Based Learning for Gifted Students (2nd edition), How the Hell Do We Motivate These Kids, Promoting Rigor Through Higher Level Questioning, and my latest, Inquiry Learning in the Gifted Classroom: It’s a Problem-Based World.

My charge as a gifted educator is to help you, the teacher, find ideas and strategies on how to best challenge your students. Too many gifted students go underchallenged because there is very little to no training in teacher education programs for gifted. This site will provide you the know-how in order to make sure your students are getting the challenge they need.
